Indian School Of Business and Computing


About Anglia Ruskin University

We’ve seen lots of changes since 1858, but one thing has remained the same. We’re still passionate about transforming lives through innovative, inclusive and entrepreneurial education and research. Today, students from more than 185 countries study with us. Our students are at the heart of our University: their educational experience engages, challenges and empowers them to reach their full potential.We have always been inclusive, and actively encourage students from a wide range of academic and societal backgrounds to study with us. We measure our success by their success.Our research and innovation draw on the breadth of ARU strengths to develop ideas and solutions which have the potential to transform lives and communities and enrich our curriculum.

World University Ranking

  • Ranked among the Top 40 Universities in the UK.
  • Ranked among the Top 350 Universities Globally.
  • Ranked 103rd out of 1,662 Universities in the world for international outlook.
  • We are the only UK University to be named a global ‘rising star’.

Our Values


We greatly value working collaboratively, supporting each other and helping everyone to achieve their potential.


We greatly value working collaboratively, supporting each other and helping everyone to achieve their potential.


We will apply our collective and individual creativity to conceive & develop new ideas.


We are bold in taking the decisions we feel are right, even when it is difficult to do so.


We do what we say we will do and are fair and transparent in our decision-making and actions.


We take decisions and act in a way which respects environmental, societal and economic considerations.

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